Nikita (Nik) Stoma
online marketer, digital ad manager

With over 3 years in digital marketing, I have handled more than 40 projects across various niches, including personal brands, real estate, digital agencies, restaurants, Ecom stores (massage equipment, clothing and footwear, cosmetics, perfumes), medical clinics etc.

I've driven traffic to websites, social media accounts, and apps, enhancing brand awareness and generating quality leads and followers.

Specializing in launching ads across Facebook/Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn, X, Google, and Telegram.

My experience ensures excellent results (= high profitability) for my clients.

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How I get things done

Audit of the previous strategy and ad accounts

If you've already launched ads before, I will analyze past results, identify issues, and suggest improvements

Market and competitor analysis

I will study the market to identify competitors' strengths and weaknesses, what is crucial for effective ad campaigns

Developing a new promotion strategy

Advance planning is key. I will create a promotion strategy and sales funnels to avoid wasting budget.

Preparation of creatives

I will collaborate with designers and editors, and can also guide your specialist. I write selling texts and loglines myself

Launching ad campaigns

In the first month, we will test multiple hypotheses to find effective combinations for scaling

Evaluating results and refinement

At the end of each month, you’ll receive a detailed report with analysis, optimization strategies, and plans for the next month

My experience

Freelancer (contractor)

September 2021 – present

Freelancing has allowed me to go beyond routine office work, bringing a creative approach to my projects, resulting in increased sales and satisfied clients.

Senior digital ad manager at WGG international digital agency

July 2022 – June 2023

Working in a leading UAE digital agency tested my resilience and multitasking skills. I was promoted to senior ad manager and led a team of three. Before leaving, I was offered a new position and relocation to Dubai but chose to pursue digital marketing independently.

My education

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Bachelor's in International relations (2016 2020)

National Research University Higher School of Economics:

Master's in economics (2020 2022)

My achievements

Skillbox Online Platform

'Digital ad manager from scratch' (2021)

I've launched ads worth

$400 000

Case #1: How I set up the most profitable sales channel with a 331% ROAS for a massage equipment store

Client: A leading online and offline massage equipment store in Jordan.

Goal: Increase sales through the website.

Client's problem: Multiple unsuccessful ad launches with high CPO.

Challenges: Limited budget ($750) for promoting expensive products (focus on massage chairs).

Platforms: Facebook & Instagram.

Process: Detailed audit of past launches and website analysis. Proposed a new hypothesis: catalog campaigns leading to the website. Multiple catalog launches and optimizations yielded impressive results.

Result: Achieved a ROAS of 331%.

  • Total ad spend: $2500

  • Total number of purchases 79

  • Total purchase value: $8997

  • Return on ad spend (on FB/IG ad campaigns leading to the website): 331%

Case #4: How I brought 217 quality leads to a Dubai real estate agency for just $37

Client: A luxury real estate agency in Dubai with a 10-year history.

Goal: Achieve 60 leads per month by the second month of work.

Problem: Large budget scattered across chaotic launches, leading to unoptimized spending and analytics gaps.

Challenges: High work dynamics with urgent property launches, many concurrent ad campaigns, no specific offers.

Platform: TikTok.

Process: 1) Audit of past launches, 2) preparation of a unified strategy, 3) specific strategy for TikTok (the main emphasis), 4) systematic hypothesis testing with budget tracking, 5) quick testing and optimization of successful campaigns. These actions reduced ad costs and significantly improved targeting effectiveness.

Result: Achieved a high number of quality leads at low costs. Monthly average leads: 85, exceeding the KPI by 41%.

  • Total ad spend (lead generation): $8135

  • Total leads generated: 515

  • Average CPL: $15 (industry average: $20)

  • Quality leads generated: 217 (42%)

  • Average cost per quality lead: $37 (industry average: $70)

Case #5: How a single real estate ad campaign was effective for 1.5 months and generated over 50 leads

Client: A newly established real estate agency in Dubai.

Goal: Attract at least 15 quality leads in the second month at a cost not exceeding $50 per lead.

Client's problem: The company was new, had to compete with many established players.

Challenges: Very limited ad budget; empty Instagram profile and no website (under development); only one employee handling leads.

Platforms: Facebook & Instagram.

Process: The first month was not very successful, yielding 3 unqualified leads. A strategy adjustment led to a standout hypothesis through new targeting, generating leads within the first 24 hours of launch, maintaining the campaign's effectiveness for nearly two months (efficacy only declined in the 6th week).

Result: Significant growth from the second month with one successful campaign maintained for 1.5 months. Exceeded the second month's KPI in terms of quality leads.

  • Total ad spend (lead generation): $1080

  • Total leads generated: 61

  • Average CPL: $17

  • Total quality leads generated: 30 (49%)

  • Average cost per quality lead: $36

Case #6: How I generated 200 leads to an online psychology workshop for just $240

Client: An online and offline psychologist with 16 years of experience.

Goal: Attract 50 leads to a Telegram chat with a budget of $500, considering a strict deadline for the online workshop.

Client's problem: No client base, few subscribers in the Telegram channel.

Challenges: Very limited budget and tight timeline; only one tool available — seeding in Telegram.

Platform: Telegram.

Result: Exceeded the KPI by 4 times. Attracted 200 leads.

  • Total ad spend: $240

  • Budget saved: $260 (52%)

  • Total leads generated: 200

  • Average CPL: $1,2

Case #3: How I established a steady stream of leads for a consulting agency with a high percentage of quality leads

Client: Business Boutique — one of the leading consulting companies in the UAE, helping clients relocate businesses to the Emirates, register companies, open bank accounts, and provide visa and accounting support.

Goal: Increase sales volume of several key services.

Client's problem: Few quality leads, very high CPL.

Challenges: High competition, high service cost, limited audience by geography.

Platforms: Facebook & Instagram.

Process: Extensive testing of different products/services, webinars, traffic to landing pages and quizzes, lead generation; broad audience and interest-based audiences, multiple retargeting audiences; static images, talking head videos, and animations. Comprehensive testing identified lead generation bundles much more effective than campaigns leading to the site or quizzes.

Result: Generated over 400 leads at below-average market costs with a high percentage of quality leads.

  • Total leads generated: 409

  • Average CPL: 33 AED ($9; industry average: $12-15)

  • Total quality leads (MQL) generated: 190 (46%)

  • Average cost per quality lead: 71 AED ($19; industry average: $30-35)

Case #2: How I helped an international digital agency achieve the best sales in the company's history in the first month with social media paid ads

Client: EDITH — an international digital agency positioning itself as a viral content agency. Total views on their videos exceed 1 billion.

Goals: Increase conversion rate from lead to client meeting; establish a steady flow of high-CR leads.

Client's problem: CR dropped by 20%.

Challenges: Many previous launches needed analysis and corrections; high competition and higher-than-average service prices (ads had to demonstrate that the price was justified by high service quality and cool results); highly constrained audience (by language and geography).

Platforms: Facebook & Instagram and TikTok.

Process: Conducted an audit of previous ad campaigns to identify issues and areas for improvement. Taking note of all the mistakes and emphasizing successful campaigns, I devised a promotion strategy and prepared scripts for shooting new ad videos. Rather than starting from scratch, I improved upon the funnel used by the previous specialist. This not only restored lead-to-meeting conversions to previous levels but also significantly increased them.

Result: The lead-to-meeting conversion rate increased to 37%. The company achieved a record profit.

  • Total leads generated: 251

  • Average CPL: 30 AED ($8; industry average: $10-15)

  • Lead-to-meeting CR: 37.06%

  • Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI): over 800%

Nik did his job great. Our ROAS is much higher now, we are getting triple sales in comparison with no advertising. Nik set up ads for us on Facebook and Instagram, and we are very pleased with the results.

- Ahmad Zeitoun

We really enjoyed working with Nik, and it was a positive experience. After a brief discussion, he quickly identified the necessary channels with the target audience. It's also worth noting separately that Nik was very helpful with drafting and editing ad text, and provided guidance on imagery for the ads.

The results were also very good. Not only did we stay within budget, but we also gained event attendees at a favorable cost. Thanks to Nik for his work; he was always available and promptly addressed all tasks assigned!

- Bayan Abzalkyzy

Nikita handled setting up the advertising account and campaigns for my German language learning account. The community was built from scratch, and targeted efforts were needed to build an audience and attract potential students.

Throughout the process, Nikita maintained constant communication, coordinated his actions with me, and provided a detailed report on the results of the advertising campaigns upon completion.

I entrusted Nikita with the development of the ad creatives, and I am more than satisfied with the outcome.

My account has gained its first few thousand subscribers, and I can continue to grow it further. I plan to continue collaborating with Nikita.

Many thanks to Nikita for his diligent work! I confidently recommend him as a advertising manager.

- Yulia Churilova


Nikita handled the setup and optimization of paid ads on FB and Instagram, managed the TAs for the designer, and maintained reporting for Business Boutique. Working with him was a positive experience, especially due to his proactive approach in suggesting new offers, campaign objectives, and promotion strategies, as well as his quick response times and work speed.

I was impressed by his focus on achieving the company's business goals, not just generating leads.

As a result, we consistently received the necessary number of leads at the desired cost.

We can definitely recommend Nikita as a fully independent and effective specialist in paid advertising.

- Anton Yegorov (Business Boutique)

I look forward to collaborating!